This was the first advertising nodder I bought when I started to collect advertising figures . I was at the Arizona Toy show and they had another antique show in another building. I was shopping it before the day before the toy show started and came across Reddy on a table full of costume jewelery. At first look I did not even realize that it was Reddy Kilowatt since he usually is not wearing a cowboy hat and western outfit. I aksed the lady how much and she told me $15.00....SOLD. She told me that the only reason she had it was it was she bought some reddy earings and other jewelry from a lady and the nodder came with the deal. I bought it and that was the start of my advertising nodder collection. I have seen over the years that Arizona used Reddy dressed in a cowboy outfit quite a bit in their promotions. Thanks for dropping by and have a great weekend.
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