Monday, April 11, 2011


Seen at the Rose Bowl this weekend, just taking pictures of interesting things to share while trying not to buy as much, even though it is hard sometimes. Going to be getting a space in a new mall opening up in Long Beach next month so I will have another outlet for my goods and hopefully take back some space in our overstuffed garage. I have a workbench in there somewhere I think?


Connie Moreno said...

I envy your willpower!

Major Pepperidge said...

Señor Tiki Ranch, you should also tell us when you will be showing your treasures in shows. Usually we don't find out about it until afterwards! Just sayin'.

Unknown said...

Hey! I'm in Long Beach! Where will you be located? :-) ` Deb

tikiranch said...

Will be at the Long Beach Antique Mall 2 off PCH on Freeman. Should be opening toward the end of the month will do a post of the booth when it is ready.

Unknown said...

Super! I'll be eager to check out the new place! Thanks! ~ Deb