Mr Big Shot your chocolate milk making friend. Big Shot was a chocolate syrup that you would dispense like a whipped cream. The can was great because the characters head made up the top of the can body. After I found a complete can for my collection I would come across lone heads so I would buy them (I don't know why?). I guess that what us collectors do.
I love the collection of the tops, it looks almost surreal.
yea BIg Shot!
Big Shot is so cool and you never know you might find a headless body or two.
HA! I've asked everyone I know if they remember this product and they all say NO. I sure do. It had a great taste (at least to my kiddie taste buds at the time) and what a wacky way to dispense it. Thanks for posting the photo... now I can show people who think I made the whole thing up! ROFL!
Big Shot was actually developed and made by theFox Syrup Co. of Brooklyn, N.Y. (makers of U-Bet) I own a Big Shot that was given to me by the gentleman who was their food chemist. When he gave it to me he told me it was the first can they made that he had kept as a souvenir.
I totally remember this stuff. My sister pushed the nozzle when the can was upright -- I think the spot was still on the kitchen ceiling when we sold the house years later! There was another brand of aerosol chocolate stuff, but we liked Big Shot because of the can.
my name adam i just was given a can that has not been opened 15 1/2 oz and wNt ro kn the value on it
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