Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A Blast from the Past

Look what turned up at the swap on monday

and it is autographed by Mike Stannard himself!

For those out of town folks the Toyrific Toy Shows was "THE" Southern California show of the early nineties . That was before Ebay so everyone brought great toys and you never knew what would turn up. The show was run by Mike and Lisa Stannard who always had top of the line vintage toys themselves.


Matt said...

I take it those shows are no longer held? I have fond memories of those shows and Mike was a good guy.

Major Pepperidge said...

I miss those days of the big toy shows! They often seem to be mere shadows of their former selves today...

American Toycoon said...

Ahhhh, those were the good old days (1990's) before eBay (and the Bush economy) killed the local 'ma and pa toy show'. What has happened to Mike Stannard anyhow? He really had all the best stuff.