Hello all out there in the world wide web , I though I would start up my blog this evening on Memorial day . I seem to have all this interesting (too me) things floating around on my hard drive so why not share some of it with you all thru a blog. So here is my first post. I have been collecting Robot parts on and off for the last 3 or 4 years with the idea of making some found object robots. Well I finally made one out a old box camera and misc stuff I found laying around in a Estate sale garage my wife was putting on. I was in charge of the garage sales and whatever down time i had was spend digging thru cans, boxes and old tool chests for suitable piece for my first creation. On sunday afternoon the robot was done. I also had found some parts so he could also sport a raygun. I now had my first robot done. He now sits on our entertainment center watching over the collection. I then made another one similar to the camera one which became a gift for someone. Robot number three is the last one I made and I have added a picture of it here. I plan on building some more when I get some free time. Well it's 12:15 am and work is only 8 hours away so off I go. You all have a nice day till my next post....
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Here are some links that I believe will be interestedhttp://google-index.info/2054.html or http://google-index.info/2607.html and http://google-index.info/2161.html
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