about 6 months ago I dropped by a local antique shop and there on the wall was this incredible Pard Dog Food advertising clock. What makes it great is the dogs head poking out of the doghouse moves up and down while the clock is on. I asked the owner "How much ?". Not for sale he was keeping it, so all I could do was put it in my mental want list of rare stuff that you never see more than one of. Fast forward 3 months and it's the 3rd Sunday of the month which means Long Beach Antique and Collectible meet. I start shopping and walk up to one table and there sitting on the table is a Pard Dog Food clock just like the one at the shop. It's funny how things happen out there (at the swap meets) you take a left here or a right there and sometimes it puts you in the right place at the right time ( and sometimes just behind the person in the right place at the right time).There was one problem with the one I bought which was the part that makes the head move was missing. So yesterday I dropped by the shop that had the first one to pick up mine. Andrew the owner of the first one was able to fix mine using his as reference to recreate the parts mine needed to make it work. So a big Thanks go out to Andrew for getting my clock back together working like it should.
Great clock and great story.
Yes, fantastic! Do you know approximately what year this would be from?
Not sure of the age but I would guess early 50's
Does anyone know where the name Pard came from? I suspect it came from a Humphrey Bogart movie where he is a gangster on the run in the mountains with a dog named Pard. Can't recall the title at the moment.
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