My first Halloween project for the house this year started with a trip to a 99 cent store, a dollar tree store and good ole Home Depot. The first picture is the basic parts I used to create THEM. Here a rundown of all the parts: 4 10 ft 1/2 inch pvc pipe,16- 45 pipe angles, 16- gray plastic wire pipe tubes with 30 degree angles, 2 large plastic strainer bowls, 4 plastic hair back holders, 2 each red and green 25 watt bulbs,4 lightbulb sockets,2 square sheets of plywood ( I only ended up using 1), 2 Kid sized police Helmets. What you don't see is a can of gloss black paint ( After painting one of them I realized brush painting was taking way too long so I found a old can of gloss black and spray the second one until I ran out and still had to brush paint the body) some extension cords to cut for the lighting ( scored 6 for $5 at the junk swap) screws,staples and thats about it.

Holy smokes, that spider is the coolest!!!
Now that is a weekend project! Beats the heck out of my project of cleaning 200ft of vinyl fence. One of those bad-boys would look great hanging on the it!
Wow, that looks great, nice work!
killer - those are so much better then anythign you could buy!
Thanks everyone, planning to build 2 more this weekend so I will have a whole invasion attacking. My I will dress up as a giant can of Raid to give out the candy in???
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