Dashboard religion
Here is another thing I look for when out hunting the swaps and sales. The Lord, I had this great Mark Ryden piece "Dead Character Trademarks" on the wall and decided I need another thing to collect so I started buying dashboard Jesus figures. My limit was it had to be vintage, plastic and him solo, no other figures or animals attached. So when I did find a new one I would say to myself " Today I found the Lord" . I did have about twice as many but decided to narrow the field by only keeping the sacred heart versions. Thanks for stopping by....
This is the coolest ...
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Here are some links that I believe will be interestedhttp://google-index.info/2813.html or http://googleindex.info/2357.html and http://indexmachine.info/650.html
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