I don't really collect postcards but sometimes I come across a keeper. This one was to good to pass up, The Hacienda Barmoblie. No need for cabana boys at this resort just hail the Barmobile as he makes his way about the 11 1/2 acre motel grounds. This sure makes the term "Drunk driving" take on a whole new meaning. What's next the Buffetmobile? Let me have two shrimp cocktails, a few mini tacos, some chicken wings and some of those swedish meatballs please.Have a great weekend and look both ways before crossing the pool area.
I love this card
Thanks Dan
Now, that's a concept that should have caught on. What a fantastic card. I love that it plays "How Dry I Am" -- I suppose the song was played on an ice cream truck-like setup? Man, someone needs to remake the Hacienda Barmobile. It needs to live on.
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